Latest Version | 1.14.0
Microsoft Windows
Be sure to approve installation of the driver during the install process. Note: Windows 7 and Server 2012 users, please download ZeroTier 1.6.6, as there is no Windows 7 support in ZeroTier 1.8 or later.
If you are installing via a remote desktop session, read this knowledge base entry.
Linux (DEB/RPM)
Debian and RPM based distributions, including Debian, Ubuntu, CentOS, RHEL, Fedora, and others are supported via a script that adds the right repository and installs the package. Other Linux distributions may have their own packages. If not, try building and installing from source.
If you are willing to rely on SSL to authenticate the site, a one line install can be done with:
curl -s | sudo bash
If you have GPG installed, a more secure option is available:
curl -s '' | gpg --import && \ if z=$(curl -s '' | gpg); then echo "$z" | sudo bash; fi
After using the script, use apt or yum to manage future updates to zerotier-one
You can get our official Docker images on Docker Hub. We also publish a Dockerfile in the public ZeroTierOne repository, which you can use for local development on ZeroTier itself or as a starting point for your own containerized deployments.
Open Source
ZeroTier One on GitHub
ZeroTier One can be compiled easily from source for use on OSes other than those that we support via pre-built packages. This includes less common versions of Linux, older FreeBSD, OpenBSD, NetBSD, etc.
libzt on GitHub
The library version of ZeroTier. The ZeroTier SDK brings your network into user-space. We’ve paired our network hypervisor core with a network stack (lwIP) to provide your application with an exclusive and private virtual network interface.
The FreeBSD package is created and supported by the FreeBSD community and not by ZeroTier, Inc. Contact the package maintainer to report packaging-related bugs.
Community OpenWRT Port
Community ports are not supported directly by ZeroTier, Inc. Contact the maintainer of the port for help or to report port-specific bugs.
NAS Devices
ZeroTier One for Synology NAS is available as a Docker container. See instructions here:
Packages are available for x86, x64, and several ARM variants. Once installed ZeroTier can be controlled from the command line. Check the ZeroTierNAS repository for more information.
WD MyCloud
ZeroTier One for Western Digital MyCloud EX2/4/Ultra NAS and personal cloud devices, with packages at Once installed you can join virtual networks from the ZeroTier One command line interface. See the ZeroTierNAS repository for more information.
Older Versions
Older versions of ZeroTier can be found here.